March 15, 2011
See original article at This is a heartwarming, hopeful article. Please click on the link and read it if you have the time.
This GAP Conference (Grandparents--and other relatives--As Parents) is designed to help family members who find themselves thrust into this role.
The conference takes place 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m. on March 24, 2011, at the Clarion Hotel, 1950 Newtown Pike in Lexington. Cost is $5 for grandparents, relatives and caregivers, $35 for professionals. Fee includes continental breakfast and lunch. To register call (859) 257-5582.
Quote from conference panelist Judy Russell (pictured above): "It is a personal decision that families have to make. It is OK to not accept the responsibility if it is not in your heart to do it. Don't feel bad or beat yourself up." But Russell also says, "The reward is greater than the responsibilities."
Picture courtesy of