
As is true of many traumatic life events, divorce may be the best thing that could ever happen to you. This has nothing to do with ridding yourself of an unwanted partner, and everything to do with reaching a tipping point in your own life's journey. Finding an attorney who can navigate the legal system to protect your domestic and property rights while at the same time offering sympathetic wisdom to help you seize this moment of crisis can be key to turning a low point in your life into personal renewal.

If you are the initiating party in a divorce, after consultation touching upon all the ramifications and consequences of this decision--legal, financial and spiritual--you may well discover that divorce is not the path for you, that it won't solve the problem, which often is internal and not caused by an external source, such as an unloving spouse. At other times, dissolution of a bond with a person whose unconscious behavior has become intolerable is the only wise solution.

If divorce is not your decision, but rather is pressed upon you by an unhappy spouse, the loss of control can seem overwhelming. Change in this instance, while painful, is unavoidable. One key to making the change positive can be an experienced attorney who can help you protect your property and domestic rights while you focus the bulk of your attention inward. Wise advisors are a critical element of this process.