Paddlefish eggs leads to couple’s guilty plea runs the headline in one of our local broadsheets. As with most journalism these days, the story is incomplete. It lacks the "Why" of the "Who, what, where, when and why." Namely, why is harvesting paddlefish from the Ohio River against the law, requiring regulation that has now shut down an export caviar business right here in Kentucky?
The couple referenced in this article definitely did things the wrong way, forging signatures to get around the regulations. Perhaps this is just a case of stupidity and dishonesty, as most criminal behavior is. But the end result is two people with a criminal record and out of work and a viable export business shut down. Were the regulations so burdensome that this couple took the unwise step of an illegal end run around them? Why couldn't this be worked out so this business could go forward?
All good questions, especially given that overregulation of business is a big issue in the Republican presidential primaries. Is this an example? Wouldn't it be a shame if these regulations were never needed in the first place?
On a lighter note, it sure is a cool looking fish.